Ensuring Health the Old-Fashioned Way:

  • Plenty of Sleep
  • Plenty of fluids including water, juices, the right kinds of tea
  • Eat Right and Eat the Correct Portions
  • A calm attitude (very hard in this day and age, always spar/do forms/practice, with a calm expression, intent, correct breathing, and focus)
  • Respect for all
  • Honor Always, to everyone
  • Make sure to work out regularly and train (training is repetition, practice is understanding)
  • Give yourself 1-2 hours a day, for you. This is not selfish, it is invigorating, for if you do not help yourself, you cannot help others

  • Practice your movements, keep moving, do the 5 ways of breathing, the 8 brocades, the 18 Lohan methods, and the Qigong meditation and movements